Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's C Day!
(but we dare not Celebrate...)

When the kids came home from school yesterday, Sarah told me that there would be no CHOIR practice today. Then Paige told me that CATECHISM was also cancelled.

FYI: My kids aren't in catechism classes ... but Holly is and it's very important for us to keep track of Holly.

(There she is!)

They very quickly realized that 'choir' and 'catechism' start with the letter C ... and this spurned an entire afternoon of planning for our day of NO Cs.

Today there will be no:

..and the list goes on...

Unfortunately, the Cooking thing in combination with the Chicken thing has put a damper on my dinner plans. We have decided that we MUST order out. Now the debate is on about what to order. We can't have pizza because it has CHEESE on it. Sarah wants Arby's. The rest of us are pulling for Thai food.
(I bet there is strength in numbers!)

You can not imagine the amount of time that has been spent in my house over the past 18 hours ... thinking about C words ... and planning for future 'Special Letter' days.

Just imagine the possibilities!
No Wii on W Day.
No Kisses on K Day.
No Hot Dogs on H Day.

The only rule we have so far is that we should never choose to have an F, B, S, P, or N Day ... because we do not know what we would do with Frank, Becky, Sarah, Paige, or Nate on those days.

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