Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Nate and Paige started taking ice skating lessons. It all started with Nate and Luca dreaming of being ice hockey stars. They were determined to play like the big boys. After some quick research we learned that the boys had to pass a "Basic 1" class before moving on to anything even remotely hockey-focused.

Tracy and I signed the boys up, paid our money, took them to the rink and strapped on their skates. While we were standing there, Paigie decided that it looked like something she wanted to try, too. Why not? We signed her up and got her some skates and tossed her onto the ice.

Prior to stepping onto the ice the boys were all "I'm so fast!" and "I did this before!" and "This is awesome!" BUT, as soon as the stepped onto the ice they were slapped with the cold hard reality of this: They Can Not Skate!

For a full hour we watched the kids skip and slide and fall and get frustrated. At some point during the lesson all three of them were brought to tears. It was a mess.

When we returned home I called my dad and said something to the effect of, "My new little hockey stars had their first lesson today." To which Nate immediately responded, "Yeah, we're done with that. We're done with hockey. We don't need to go back there."


We made them go back. The next week was a small battle to get the kids on the ice but, after a very short time, they all seemed to catch on and now they love it.

We are very proud to say that Paige & Nate were tested last week and PASSED to the next level with great big smiles on their faces!

In a few weeks they'll start another class and will get to learn fancy schmancy hockey moves.

I have to admit ... I am anxious to see them in all their gear!